ARMHS Referral

Have a client in need of one our services? If so, please fill out the bottom form with as much information as you can. Once the form is completed submit it over to us and we’ll get back to you in a timely fashion! If you have any questions about this process, please email us here:

Referral Type *
Date Of Referral *
Client Name *
Address *
County *
Phone *
Insurance Type *
Disability Type *
Diagnosis Codes *
Is This Client On Any Waivers (CADI, DD, EW, Etc.) *

Referrer Person:

Name *
Title/Role *

Referring Agency Information:

Reason for referral *
Upload Supporting Documents
At the time of referral, you may submit any other supporting documents, such as the most current Diagnostic Assessment (DA), Professional Statement of Need (PSN), Coordinated Services and Supports Plan (CSSP), Functional Assessment (FA), LOCUS, County Case Plan, Crisis Plan, or any other documents related to the client that may be helpful.
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